Speaking & Publications

How to negotiate best with a narcissist

Posted on May 22, 2022 by 9Honey

How to negotiate best with a narcissist 

A lot of my clients tell me that the other parent is a narcissist. People can have narcissistic tendencies and not be a narcissist. I believe that we have to be careful not to diagnose people with personality disorders without being qualified to do so. But I do understand that there are people that have to negotiate with someone that is a narcissist or has narcissists tendencies.

Negotiating with a narcissist can be tricky. I have written tips and tricks for 9honey on how to negotiate with a narcissist for those people who are in that situation

Workplace Vaccination

Posted on November 1, 2021 by Nine News Perth  Interview with  Monica Kos

How to deal best with conflict in the workplace due to mandatory vaccinations? 

 I had the pleasure of chatting with Monika Kos on the channel 9 news. We spoke about how to manage conflict in the workplace that could occur due to mandatory vaccinations in the best way possible. 

Covid Vaccination for Kids​

Posted on September 9, 2021 by ABC Northern Tasmania Drive  Interview with  Kim Napier

Discussion around child vaccinations for COVID.

Are Failures & Hurdles Stopping Your Success

Posted on September 1, 2021 by About Success
Interview with  Jon Vidler

When you try to get somewhere you’re often faced with hurdles , speed bumps and even failures . It can be hard too keep going when this happens and just give up. What is a way to keep going and get around them .   Difficult questions I know. In this interview, I gave my insights on how  you can approach and learn from the obstacles that stop us reaching our goals and success.

Divorce and Separation Advise for Dads​

Posted on July 29, 2021 by Direct Advice for Dads Podcast, Interview with  Ross Edwards and Dan van der Meer

The boys chat with award winning relationship mediator Lisanne Iriks, who walks us through the do’s and do not’s of separation and divorce, should things not be working out for you and your partner. Hot tip – most of this advice works for ALL dads, not just those going through a split.

More choice can help couples navigate dispute resolution​

Posted on July 15, 2021 by ABC Mornings, Interview with  Nadia Mitsopoulos

We discussed what the impact is on families when they have to wait for a long time to have access to mediation services and I share one idea that might work to create a system that is able to cater better for the needs of separated parents who need mediation services.

My interview starts at 20:35.

For all the people in lockdown

Posted on July 15, 2021 by The Sounds of Macarthur, Interview with  Chris Witts

Perth based Lisanne Iriks  discussed  with  Chris where tips and tricks are shared for everyone who is in lockdown at the moment.

How social media can cause conflict between separated parents​

Posted on June 29, 2021 by Loving Life FM 103.1, Interview with  Damien Fisher

Perth based Lisanne Iriks  discussed  with Damien how social media can cause conflict between separated parents

How to make a harmonious home with big families under the one roof​

Posted on June 29, 2021 by 6PR, Interview with  Millsy at Midday

Living in harmony with the 'in and outlaws'​

Posted on June 29, 2021 by Loving Life FM 103.1, Interview with  Damien Fisher

Perth based Lisanne Iriks  shared some tips with Damien for harmonious intergenerational living.

Resolving Conflict With Your Teen​

Posted on June 27, 2021 in Co-creating Peace Podcast, Interview with  Kathleen Oweegon

Lisanne Iriks, a conflict resolution specialist who lives and works in Perth, Australia. Lisanne has some great conflict resolution strategies to share with us, including some that are especially helpful when you’re in conflict with a teenager.

What will the March 4 Justice achieve​

Posted on March 15, 2021 by 6PR, Interview with Tod Johnston.

Perth based Lisanne Iriks talks about the March 4 Justice

What to do if you're told not to panic​

Posted on February 4, 2021 by 6PR, Interview with Tod Johnston.

Perth based Lisanne Iriks shares some tips when you’re pushed into a corner.

“Focus on what you want.”

Why respectful conflict is good for a relationship​

Posted on July 15, 2020 by ABC Australia, Interview with Barry Nicholls.

Perth based Lisanne Iriks on why addressing conflict ‘head on’ is beneficial.

We must address domestic violence​

Posted on March 3, 2020 by Mitchell’s Front Page, Interview with Mitchell

“The statistics and recent events show that domestic violence is rife in Australia,” said Conflict Resolution Expert Lisanne Iriks.

“Everyone gets upset when it happens, but nothing gets done.”

Teenagers can sometimes seem out of control – is there anything you can do?​

Posted on March 1, 2020 by 6PR882 News Talk, Interview with Karl O’Callaghan from Sunday Afternoon with Karl O’Callaghan

Lisanne Iriks is a conflict resolution expert, and she joins Karl O’Callaghan this week to talk about five ways to negotiate with your teenager. Be sure to listen in to see what works for you!

How can we address domestic violence?​

Posted on February 27, 2020 by 6PR882 News Talk, Interview with Chris Ilsley from 6PR Perth Tonight

Recent events have brought domestic violence back under the spotlight, but how as a society can we address this ever more pressing issue? Conflict resolution expert, Lisanne Iriks, has some ideas.

Six tips to having a healthy argument at Christmas​

Posted on December 16, 2019 by Mitchell’s Front Page, Interview with Mitchell

There is nothing wrong with having a disagreement with someone. Conflict can be very positive if it is managed well. 

But before you launch into a no holds barred screaming match, consider these tips from Lisanne Iriks for a healthy argument.

Are you able to give an authentic apology?​

Posted on November 14, 2019 by 6PR882 News Talk, Interview with Chris Ilsley from 6PR Perth Tonight

We are taught as children to say, “Sorry”. Now think of us as adults…how good are we at apologies as adults? Can we be authentic in our apologies? Lisanne Iriks speaks with Chris Ilsley about this topic.


What is the cost to your business when you ignore conflict?​

Posted on February 13, 2020 on Inside Small Business

This articles explains how much time and money conflict causes to business and sets out five things that your business can do to help deal with it.

Read the full article here.

Six steps to dealing with problem employees

Posted on May 4, 2021 on Inside Small Business

In this article, I’m giving six steps on how to deal in a constructive way those employees that are causing problems in the business.

Read the full article here.

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